Testimonials and repeat clients speak for itself. Here’s what some of our big clients have to say about us.

We found high degree of Professionalism, Commitment, Honesty and so many such positive traits in M/s Pinnacle.
Mr. Pravin Karnavat, a true gentleman; Mr. Sudarshan Karnavat, a task Master; Mr. Nayan Karnavat, an intelligent Business developer; Ms. Nivedita Bhat, a committed designer and entire team accomplished their task very differently to add lots of value to our newly established campus.
We just supplicate to Almighty Allah to bestow Pinnacle team to go beyond its peak by applying lots of wisdom in their endeavours, Ameen. Our Best wishes are always with you. Please retain all your Values and Principles even in adverse circumstances and keep doing charity as you have been always doing.

technical expertise and dedication to quality, we asked them to design and develop our office and from then on they have executed several jobs like interior work of Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology and Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy. The construction and interior work of Bharati Vidyapeeth College of M.Pharmacy was assigned to them in 2008 and they have built it with meticulous attention to detail.
We have known and worked professionally with Mr. Pravin Karnavat, Chairman of Pinnacle Infraheights Pvt Ltd, since 1999. Their first assignment of water proofing our college terrace slab was executed to perfection. Looking at theThey were very careful with the expenditure, always recommending economical alternatives whenever possible. They held several meetings with our staff and incorporated the requirements in the design. Everything was completed in a timely and professional manner. I must say that the quality of Mr. Pravin Karnavat that impresses me the most is his dedication and personal attention on site.

faith and trust in your organisation and the team. The greatest benefits we have experienced with your company is cooperation and selflessness, at many a times you have lead us to make alterations in the existing plans which later turned out be an asset from design and cost point. The strict adherence to the set milestones and a single window for all the needs right from demolition to erection we did not have to contact a single other agency. The Modern practices followed in the construction have given us a monolith which is admired by all the architects who come to us as our esteemed customers.
We would be more than pleased to be associated with you for our other upcoming projects

Quality has been the corner stone of his ideology, backed up by a keen sense of practicality. We wish him good luck in all his endeavours.

Just one request that as it is terrace, which will wear and tear due to climatic changes, so for that valuable suggestions are expected from your team.
Rest your entire management of man, material and machine is excellent.
All the best for your future course.

They are very honest and are focused on quality and progress. They solved problems encountered by us during the project that were not part of scope of work.
The work progress was paced as per requirement.